Category Archives: Vegetables

vegetable seeds
best vegetables

Kale ‘Redbor’

Okay, so I slipped off the screen for a while. I can explain = I was finishing a book and getting all the details tied up (it will be out next July through Timber Press), more about that later in … Continue reading

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Lettuce ‘Drunken Woman Fringed Headed’

Let’s not talk about the temperature. And can we skip mention of the humidity entirely? Let’s just say that the garden is roasting. In fact, I’m using this post as an excuse to sit here in front of the fan … Continue reading

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Kohlrabi ‘Kolibri’

You know that life is on the brink when visions of kohlrabi start invading your daydreams. Yep, desperation has hit that point here. But can you blame me? If there’s anything worse than winter, it’s mud season. I realize that … Continue reading

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