Category Archives: Perennials

best perennials
perennials that perform

Conoclinium coelestinum

If you want to scream right now, I’m alongside you. Not so long ago, this was Eupatorium coelestinum. And that’s how it will remain in my tired mind. But, whateveryoucallit, you can’t beat it for a surge of very late … Continue reading

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Primula kisoana

Fast forward because already I need a little springtime. Here it is only late November and I’m clawing at the windows chafing for some semblance of growth in the garden. Not that the houseplants aren’t entertaining — but still, November … Continue reading

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Clematis alpina ‘Blue Dancer’

So it’s come to this. Any of you who have been following my Confessions of a Clematis Serial Killer will know that my compost heap consist of 99% clematis remains. Literally, if forensics were to investigate, they’d find skeletons of … Continue reading

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Helianthus salicifolius ‘First Light’

Now it’s your turn. I need help. (Damsel in distress alert!) Originally, my intention when starting this blog was to get feedback on plants. Then I went straight into blabbering mode and shared all my favorites. Well, now I have … Continue reading

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Salvia officinalis ‘Berggarten’

It’s tough to find something to gush over in November. Even for me. And I’m a pushover of legendary proportions. In other seasons, I can palpitate over a dandelion (how did dandelions earn such a bad rap?). But somehow, November … Continue reading

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Dendranthema ‘Cambodian Queen’

Nipped in the bud. Autumn was just beginning to rev up its motors when it was shut down. I mean, totally over. October wasn’t even out the door and my proud dendranthema moment along the road was packed under snow … Continue reading

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Amsonia tabernaemontana

I’ve spent the lion’s share of my life searching for the right bun. You know what I mean: Girl on the lookout for something sculpted, curvaceous, tight, and nicely rounded. Oh…and green. I thought that I had it pinned with … Continue reading

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Geum ‘Bell Bank’

Not everyone can be the rooster. Somebody’s got to be the flock. In fact, has anyone else noticed that garden design is moving more toward mass and edging away from divas? The superstar plant might bring in the cheers, but … Continue reading

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Hemerocallis ‘Primal Scream’

Where would we be without our friends? They offer drive-by advice, they bring plants, they fuel addictions. If I suddenly crave hemerocallis where formerly I was lukewarm, the blame can be solidly pinned on Richard Daniel and Sydney Eddison. Before … Continue reading

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