Category Archives: Houseplants

Listen Up Again!

We had so much fun (and callers) the last time, Wisconsin Public Radio asked me back for an encore. Tune in to the Larry Meiller Show on Friday, January 4 at 11:00-12:30 Central Time. This time around, we’ll be helping … Continue reading

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Move the Forest Indoors

Now, my little muffins, I want you all to pour yourselves a nice warm cup of tea (or your beverage of choice) and sink into someplace comfy. Pull that wooly throw blanket up to your chin, and let all those … Continue reading

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Senecio cephalophorus ‘Blazin’ Glory’

Well, the name’s a little melodramatic. But if you can get over that (what’s in a name?), what’s not to love in this little cutie? I’m always game to try anything that might work indoors. For example, this little number … Continue reading

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Neoregelia ‘Tiger Cub’

They’re back in the fold again! The houseplants, that is. And as much as I liked the convenience of hitting them with a hose (and sharing the watering duties with Mother Nature), I missed them. Now I feel whole again. … Continue reading

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Wildlings Indoors: Viola walteri

Make haste. Because summer is slipping away fast. What to do about the dilemma? Well, that’s what The Unexpected Houseplant is all about. And now that I’m back on the blog roll for the season, I’m going to give you … Continue reading

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Begonia sizemoreae

Everyone wants to look like a hero. We all try to leap tall buildings with a single bound. That’s one reason why I love Begonia sizemoreae. Grow this species from Vietnam, and everyone will assume you’re superhuman. They’ll take one … Continue reading

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Pelargonium ‘Crystal Palace Gem’

The only good thing that can be said about winter (just for the record: I’m not a skier and I don’t have a garage) is that it hasn’t been as brutal as usual. Yet. But if you’re reduced to tallying … Continue reading

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Festuca glauca ‘Elijah Blue’

This could change your life. You snicker. We’re talking houseplants, after all, not Occupy Wall Street. But doesn’t it really all start at home? And aren’t you sick to death of the same old, same old houseplants. Well, here’s liberation. … Continue reading

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Kale ‘White Peacock’

“Oh, just take it,” the nursery manager grumbled, clearly disgruntled that I walked right past his greenhouse packed with poinsettias without a second glance (there’s no accounting for taste) and opted instead for this leftover flowering kale. “I could pay … Continue reading

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