Category Archives: Terrariums

How to Make a Terrarium
Terrarium Plants
The New Terrarium


I was taping the Martha Stewart Show today on terrariums! It aired live, but it will be rerunning tomorrow Feb. 3rd at 1:00 Eastern Time (12:00 Central) on the Hallmark Channel. I’ll try to get a link up ASAP. It … Continue reading

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Sarracenia spp.

So you’re stumped. Your dad isn’t a golf kinda’ guy. He’s had it up to his neck in ties and he’s got polo shirts up the Wazoo. What to give him for Father’s Day? I’ve got it! Why not bestow … Continue reading

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Terrarium Making Lesson

Okay, here comes the pep talk: You can do this. Your kid can do this. Your grandmother can do this. Your hamster probably can’t. Why do this? Because this terrarium will rescue your life. You will find peace. Your boss … Continue reading

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Terrariums to the Rescue: The Dirt on Terrarium Plants

The icicles are aimed straight at me. The snow is up to my waist (which isn’t as deep as you might think, but still). Einstein (the Mad Purrfessor) is going stir crazy by leaps and bounds, claw and fang (it’s … Continue reading

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