A Houseplant Repotathon at Pergola in New Preston, CT
Come to the launch event for my new book, The Unexpected Houseplant.
Rather than waving a fond farewell to the garden, shift focus indoors. Especially geared for everyone who sees houseplants and gets the jitters, this in-shop event is nurture-training for wannabe indoor gardeners.
Over the span of the afternoon, I’ll prove just how incredibly beautiful houseplants can be.
* There will be houseplant therapy sessions
* Tony combinations of containers and cool plants will be continuously created
* Plants of all descriptions will get major face-lifts using Pergola’s wonderful line of accessories
* There will be brown thumb hand-holding
* Books will be available for signing
Come and bring questions and get converted into an indoor gardener. You and some lucky houseplant are going to live happily ever after.
September 15, 2012 from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
7 East Shore Road
New Preston, CT
or call 860-868-4769